Something in the way: April 2003

Tuesday, April 29

Wake up and smell the heresy

In all truth, the charismatic movement, appealing only to the flesh (ironically, because it claims to focus wholeheartedly on the "spirituals" of 1 Corinthians chapter twelve,) intermarries into the experientialism of one Friedrich Schleiermacher, who sold his very soul to experience as "proof" of the truth of religion. However, in focusing only on the experience of spirituals, one shamefully divorces true spirituals of love in while vagrantly fleeing to the flesh and tickling their senses publicly, then calling it the Holy Spirit. But, the Holy Spirit is not a mere force that gives us emotional highs and lows.

"Turn away from everything reckoned as religion, and fix your regard on inward emotions and dispositions," said Schleiermacher, forgetting that Jesus said to a Samaritan woman that we are to worship God in spirit and in truth. Jesus also said, "I AM the Way, the Truth and the Life." But, we have divorced the truth from the spirit in our religion and in our worship, and in so doing, we have divorced our Messiah (giving Him the finger that He made us) all for a Sunday morning emotional orgie. We are supposed to uphold the bond of peace which is attained only in worshiping in spirit and in truth, however, we are chained to Paul's classic "body of death" that rots through us in its hedonistic, emotionalistic cravings. We no longer worship in spirit and in truth. We now worship in a new age. We now worship in Flesh and in Falsehood.

It is no wonder that the modern day Laodicean-like church majority are in a rut and a 24/7 yawn. True worship refreshes true children. Come on, saints, listen to Jesus Christ's words to the Samaritan woman in John 4:23! Stop this yawn! Get well-rested on the pillow of truth. Leaving the truth out of the spirit negates the spirit and pertains only to the flesh. Wake up and smell the heresy!

posted by Deirdre at 3:39 PM